The Importance Of Always Using High Quality Stainless Steel Pool Fence Fittings

Stainless Steel Pool Fence Fittings

A lot of people forget just how important fittings are to high quality glass pool fencing. Although the glass panels are the main component of the fence, and probably the one which people notice the most, the fittings and other hardware that holds the panels together needs to be installed right.

If you use poor quality fittings to put your pool fence together, they will be obvious. They will corrode or rust, will gather dirt and will lose their shine in no time at all. This will result in pool fencing that looks average at best, even if your glass panels are clean and well maintained.

Below thanks to ClearAzGlass we’re going to look at a few reasons why it’s so important to make sure that you always use high quality glass pool fence fittings that are made from a tough, durable material like stainless steel.

High Quality Fittings Will Last

If you’re spending money on a glass pool fence – and most glass pool fences aren’t cheap – then there’s really no point trying to save by using poor quality fittings and other hardware. They will wear out and lose their shine within a couple of years, and will detract from your entire fence.
