Once you have decided that you want a residential lift installed in your home, there are still lots of additional decisions to be made. One of them is deciding whereabouts in your home the lift is to be installed.
In some cases, it could be that given the layout of the property and for other practical reasons, there is only one place the lift can go. In many others, you will have a couple of choices, and in larger homes, several options.
When it comes to making that choice, you will want to ensure that the decision you make is the right one. Once installed, there is no going back and if you get it wrong it is likely to cost a fortune to have your home lift repositioned.
Here are some of the factors to consider when deciding where to position your home lift, and in addition, you should seek the advice of your lift installation company.
Amount Of Available Space
The main factor which is going to influence where you can position your new residential lift is going to be the size of your home and in turn the amount of space that is available. It could be that your lift installers advise you there is only one place it can be positioned.
If they advise you that you have more than one option, then you want to take into account some of the other aspects which will influence where you position it and ensure the position meets the criteria for them.
Size Of The Home Lift That Is Being Installed
In terms of relevant sizes being a factor, after the size of the property is taken into account, the size of the lift being installed will also need to be considered. It may be that to be able to have your lift positioned in a certain location you need to compromise on size and opt for a smaller lift than the one you were originally planning.
Unless there is a practical reason for a larger sized lift, we recommend you prioritise the position of your home lift over its size.
Type Of The Lift You Have Chosen
Once the practicalities have been considered and the options available for positioning have been established, the next criteria to think about is the design of your home lift.
Given there are multiple variables in terms of types, materials, colours, and styles, that home lifts have, you will want to ensure that it is positioned somewhere in your home where it is going to complement its surroundings and its mode of operation is also suitable.
Number Of Floors It Will Stop At
This will not apply to all homes, but for those which have multiple floors, it will. Here, the choice of lift installation position will need to take into account each floor it is going to stop at.
This will apply to the technical aspects of the installation, the practicalities for people using the lift on each floor, and the aesthetics on each floor too.
Who Will Use The Lift?
This is more of a consideration if you have members of your household who are disabled or who might be frail. You obviously want to position your lift so that those who might use a wheelchair have no obstacles or difficulties in being able to get in and out of the lift safely.
For others, such as an elderly parent you might wish to have the lift positioned closer to where their bedroom is so that they do not have as far to walk to reach the lift doors.